Unified Communications Solution: Taking Business Communication Beyond Email & Phone

Traditionally, business communication was highly reliant on two communication channels, which are phone and email. Generally, professional and formal conversations used to take place over email. On the other hand, detailed discussions, informal business conversations, and similar interactions used to take place over the phone. Still, phone and email are two important communication channels. But now, business conversations are not restricted to just these two communication channels. Rather, we have a unified communications solution in existence to help businesses blend the power of all communication channels and use them in their favor.

In this article, we are going to discuss more details about unified communications in businesses and how it can help them foster a collaborative environment among business users.

What is a unified communications solution?

Unified Communication Solution

A unified communications phone system allows organizations to integrate multiple communication methods into a single, and all-inclusive interface. Instead of juggling among separate applications for voice calling, instant messaging, video conferencing, file sharing, and more, these tasks can be seamlessly managed through one unified application. Therefore, it makes business communication more manageable and seamless.

On the technical side, this solution comprises both server-side and client-side components. The server-side component is referred to as an application server. It can be implemented as a traditional on-site IT solution or delivered as a cloud-based service.

The Limitations of Traditional Email and Phone Communication

Undoubtedly, email and phone calls have long been the cornerstones of business communication. However, as digital communication channels are emerging and gaining popularity, these traditional methods reveal significant limitations. In fact, it has been proven that the need for a unified communications solution is inevitable to add all vital communication channels within a single platform and keep the business communication system effective.

Let’s take a look at the major limitations of email and phone as the sole communication channels in the business.


Undoubtedly, email is essential for documentation and formal communication. However, it is slow and cumbersome for real-time interaction. Additionally, inbox overload and delayed responses can hinder productivity and timely decision-making. Furthermore, there are several tabs in the email clients and that can make your important conversations get lost or overlooked.


Phone calls offer immediacy to speed up conversations. However, it lacks the versatility needed for complex collaboration. They can be disruptive and may not always provide a comprehensive record of conversations. Moreover, conversations carried out through phone calls are more likely to get forgotten.

The Advantages of Unified Communications Solutions

Unified Communications (UC) is inevitable for any business. The platform provides integration of various communication methods into a single, streamlined interface, which addresses the limitations of email and phone calls. Let’s dive deeper to learn more about this.

Integrated communication channels

UC solutions bring together video conferencing, voice calls, instant messaging, and file sharing into one platform. This integration ensures that team members can switch seamlessly between different communication modes without losing context or continuity.

Enhanced collaboration

With a unified communications phone system, collaboration becomes more dynamic and efficient. Teams can initiate a chat, escalate to a video conference, and share files all within the same application. Certainly, this fosters a more comprehensive and interactive work environment.

Real-time interaction

UC platforms facilitate real-time communication. Therefore, these platforms reduce delays associated with email and the scheduling constraints of phone calls. Instant messaging and presence indicators allow for immediate responses and quick resolution of issues.

Unified experience

A single platform consisting of all communication channels simplifies the user experience. Therefore, it reduces the learning curve and increases adoption rates. Employees can access all tools from one application. Moreover, they enhance productivity and user satisfaction.

Context-driven collaboration

Unlike email and phone calls in which communication context often gets lost, with UC platforms, this is not the case. The unified communications platforms will log all interactions and map them to give context to users. For example, if a conversation took place over a call, then switched to WhatsApp, and then went back to the phone call, then all three conversations will be logged and mapped within the platform. Therefore, participants can have more driven conversations.

Concluding notes

The UC solutions overcome the limitations of traditional email and phone systems by providing an integrated, real-time, and versatile communication platform. By consolidating various communication tools into a single application, UC solutions enhance collaboration, streamline workflows, and boost overall productivity. Adopting these solutions is a strategic move for businesses looking to modernize their communication infrastructure.

Inextrix Technologies is one of the leading IT companies that offer a custom unified communications solution. To learn more about the offerings of the solution of Inextrix Technologies, please contact us.

Published by Inextrix Technologies Pvt Ltd

Inextrix Technologies Pvt. Ltd is one of the leading unified communication development companies. Since 2010, the company has been catering to global businesses with its patron-specific development services in VoIP, Mobile, Web, Digital Marketing, IoT and DevOps arenas.

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